Wednesday 29 September 2010

Week 3 summaries

We've been up to lots recently, including acting out plays! Here are a couple of anecdotes and thoughts that 5K would like to share!

I’ve had a great time in 5K it’s much better than year 4.
I have Ms Kalhan and Ms Allin there fun Teachers very fun.
I like where I sit because I’ve got room to work in.
I and Jeevan are good partners we have lots of times with each over.
And we both love maths it’s really fun.
5K has lots of fun and we have this compertion (football)
By Jack

Week three in Year 5
In the last three weeks of year five we have been writing a play scripts. In this week we got to write our own play script, we have to set in the Victorian times. I named my character SILVER
I made mine friends with my friend and my friend is TOBA and his character is TOM. Well story is about SILVER and TOM trying to steal from the queen VOCTORIA but get caught.
By Adam

Friday 24th September 2010
Week three summary in 5K

This week we have done much more than the last blog. We have made and preformed our own play script. We preformed Nicolas Nickelby and we adapted Oliver Twist. We have written our own play scripts. Today Erika has done a performance on the achievement assembly. We watched the year 2,s dance about where the wild things are. Yesterday we learnt new French words. We did history with a visitor called Terry Wad. That’s it.
By Arighni

Today I bought some scrumilicious apple crisp from the tuck shop I love them!!!!
By Erika.

Yesterday we done French we learnt how to say planets in French and animals!
By Kamal

This week we went to a drama workshop up in the hall...
We met a man called Terry and he taught us all about Victorians. We had a little game to wake us up. It was a game to remember four words
By Nafisah

Wednesday we did maths I thought it was very good because it was very easy and I whizzed through it . With my friends. When we did English we acted out Oliver twist!
By Toba

This week we had a fun P.E lesson on Wednesday we practised throwing and catching, after we had a short game of rounders it was terrific! Also this week I had another great music lesson and when I thought it could not get any better it did, we did a super history lesson based on Victorians. It was full of activities.
By Taran

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