Thursday, 7 October 2010

English recounts

We are working on recounts at the moment in our English lessons and will be working on these for the next couple of weeks. We will be looking at diaries, biographies, summarising the main points of a text in note form and planning our own based on our experiences.

Here are the checklists we would use for an effective recount:

L.O. I can write an interesting recount.

CHECKLIST: Does my work include the following features?

- Written in the past tense.
- My recount begins with an introduction by setting the scene- who, what, where, when, why
- Includes names of people and places
- Is written in chronological order
- Uses a closing statement/conclusion that sums up the writing.
- Uses time connectives/phrases, e.g. First, After, Next, Afterwards, Soon, Later, Meanwhile
- Includes detailed description of setting that interests the reader. (using interesting vocab)
- Is written in paragraphs, using a change of paragraph for a change of time/subject.
- Is interesting!
- Uses fullstops and capital letters appropriately.

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